Part 135: Let's Learn Jobs: Red Mage
Let's Learn Jobs: Red Mage
The fanciest jack-of-all trades, Red mage is good at everything but great at nothing, able to work decently with any party until endgame.
Red mage is one of the six original Final Fantasy jobs, completing the trifecta with Black and White mages. Despite their usual role of mediocre all-rounder, their ability to deal physical damage, magic damage, and healing plus have impeccable fashion sense while saving the world ensures their popularity.

Job icon is a blood-colored rose, red like DeRosa of the Bloodrose Legion have you caught the theme yet. Job Command is white and black magic combined.

As befits the jack-of-all-trades, stats are middle of the road, though with a preference for magic over physical power. Red mages are not good at punching presumably because it might scuff their patent leather and silk gloves.

Blue are support abilities, red are skill abilities.
Level 1 - B/W Magic Lv.1: Blindna, Cure, Poisona, Blizzard, Fire, Thunder
Level 2 - MP 20% Up (Cost: 2)
Level 3 - B/W Magic Lv.2: Aero, Protect, Shell, Poison, Silence, Sleep
Level 4 - Turn Tables: BP + 1 when evade enemy attack. (Cost: 1)
Level 5 - MP Free in a Pinch: No MP costs when HP critical. (Cost: 2)
Level 6 - B/W Magic Lv.3: Cura, Esuna, Raise, Blizzara, Fira, Thundara
Level 7 - Adrenaline: BP + 1 whenever user defeats an enemy. (Cost: 1)
Level 8 - Save Magic MP: Black, white, time, summon magic MP cost -25%. (Cost: 3)
Level 9 - BP Recovery: BP + 2 when first afflicted by status ailment. (Cost: 1)
Level 10 - B/W Magic Lv.4: Aerora, Dispel, Reflect, Aspir, Drain, Fear
Level 11 - Revenge: Allows other jobs to equip the red mage specialty. (Cost: 2)
Level 12 - Revival: When HP hits critical (from non HP reducing skills), 75% chance for BP + 2. (Cost: 2)
Level 13 - An Eye for an Eye: When HP hits critical, critical hit chance +900% for 5 turns. (Cost: 1)
Level 14 - In the Red: Negative BP raises magic attack. (Cost: 1)
Easy access to lower/middle tier black and white magic make red mage an upgrade to both white mage and black mage for the middle portion of the game. Bravely Default also expands the red mage into being BP manipulators, leading to several support skills with a good, if risky potential for abuse when combined with jobs we'll get later.

25% chance to increase. Too unreliable for endgame, but a nice bonus when playing as red mage.
This is one of my favorite outfits. Look at these fancypants. Really, take a look, they are quite nice, with red stitching on dark grey blue fabric. Stylized crimson -- sorry, blood -- red redingotes (riding coats), all the rage with dandies of 1800s western Europe, are the centerpoint of the rose-festooned outfits.